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Teachers college in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-07-17Updated:2024-07-17
Similar words: business collegecollegecollege mancollege boyeton collegecollege girlcollege leveljunior collegeMeaning: n. a two-year school for training elementary teachers. 
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(1) The second one, which is two hours long, is designed for teachers, college lecturers and in-service training.
(2) She is a student of a teachers college.
(3) New York : Teachers College , Columbia University.
(4) Huzhou Teachers College, teaching school or practice base.
(5) Learning goal for students in Teachers college set up to be elementary school teachers.
(6) The school is renamed as " National Tainan Teachers College ".
(7) Secondly, solfeggio teaching in teachers college should be combined with musical works to foster students' comprehensive musical listening ability.
(8) I graduated from Computer Science Department of HANDAN TEACHERS COLLEGE.
(9) Subject_Topical_Eng: Huzhou Teachers College; Medicine College; Basic Iatrology ; Clinic Iatrology ; Nurse; Stomatology.
(10) Weinan graduated from the Teachers College ( tertiary )[Sentencedict], the English professional.
(11) National Teachers College to be held in Chinese professional class graduated.
(12) This paper evaluates the teaching quality of teachers in Henan Vocational Technical Teachers College by using fuzzy overall merit, and the program of processing the result is made in BASIC Language.
(13) The essay analyses some improper points about the inference of the equation for the rotameter in such books as"Foundation of chemical Engineering"which are edited by Shanghai Teachers College.
(14) In view of actuality of elementary education reform and problems in the course of "Elementary Geometry Research"in teachers college, probes into the reform of this course.
(15) The applicability analysis about Orff music education system at pre-school education major's dance teaching of high teachers college mainly evolves from four aspects.
(16) Hurd , P . D . ( 1997 ) . Inventing Science Education for the New Millennium, New York : Teachers College Press, p .24.
More similar words: business collegecollegecollege mancollege boyeton collegecollege girlcollege leveljunior collegecollege studentdartmouth collegetraining collegecommunity collegeteacher's dayteachers' dayteacher's petelectoral collegeteacherart teacherpiano teachermath teacherhead teachercollegiancollegialmusic teachercollegiateschoolteacherschool teacherbleachersscience teacherstudent teacher
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